Great post, Allison! Entertaining and enlightening, incisive. I'm one of those Black viewers who has never been a big fan of Tyler Perry, but as you suggest, his commercial success cannot be ignored. Enjoyed your analysis.

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You’re right. That is full of spoilers! 😊 but it doesn’t matter to me. I won’t see it. I assume it’s in cinemas? Anyway I’m not persuaded that DV is more prevalent in Black households than anywhere else. It’s a plague across the Western world. Our itinerant societies are fragmented and our lives replete with stress. Add in alcohol and you have a combustible mix. I have a friend from South Africa, Zulu primarily, who is a clinical psychologist. I asked why suicide is such a problem where I live. Without hesitation she said: you don’t have families. Community, a sense of belonging is everything.

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Thank you for sharing this! I wasn't planning on seeing this because there aren't many Tyler Perry movies that interest me, but your commentary made this worth it to me as a survivor of domestic violence when it drops for streaming subs.

I really appreciate the spoilers so that icon be prepared to endure some of these scenes, but what matters more is how well thought out this article was. Detailed and informative instead of a superficial "movie sucked 1 star" sort of review you often see online.

You're so right about communities in the south where too often, black women don't have as many choices as they should. And let's be fully honest... you know these ladies are the true heroes of the shithole confederacy that doesn't love them the way it should. So this movie has value as commentary on unhealthy relationships to me, an expat from the Bible belt who wishes Stacey Abrams could be our future President... such a wonderful and passionate author and she gives SO much to my impoverished community via social action and authorship.

Thank you so much for this, it really made my night as I get ready to head off to UBC with my new Canadian hubby tomorrow... I wish I could say Canada wasn't as racist, but sections of it absolutely are... it's still full of so many opportunities for the citizens that certain politicians tossed in the trash bin.

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He takes it out of his real life experience in an abusive home

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Well I have a beautiful little half black grandaughter that is so lovable and intriguing. She has already experienced racism from a little white boy older and bigger than she. He kept pushing her down in a toddler establishment. She’d get up, not cry, and offered him a toy. He slapped it out of her hand and pushed her down again. His mother in huff rushed over, not too soon, grabbed him roughly and dragged him away. No apologies to my daughter. It makes me cry every time i think of it. Luckily my precious little grandchild has no inkling as to why the little white maga brat kept pushing her down. He’ll likely grow up to be another Kyle Shittenhouse i suppose.

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