Sep 14Liked by Allison Wiltz

I watched a video of a teacher demonstrating the difference between equality and equity for her young students by using three Band-Aids.

She asked one student to pretend he scraped his knee. She handed him a band-aid and placed it on his knee. I hope you're okay now.

She asked a second student to pretend she got a scratch on her arm. Then. she placed a band-aid on her knee. I hope you're okay now.

She asked the third student to pretend she bumped her head. She placed a band-aid on her knee. I hope you're okay now.

She asked them if they now understood that each student was treated equally but that was not what they needed. Equity is what they needed - the proper treatment for the injury sustained.

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They use the Constitution like they use the Bible. They've never read the entire text of either, it seems, but they can cherry-pick the right material to use entirely out of context for media soundbites to support their aims.

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Very informative piece on a specific part of discriminatory healthcare.

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Allison, another perceptive, incisive and enlightening post! So ironic how cynical racists are, indeed, distorting and manipulating efforts to assist the historically disenfranchised in gaining a level playing field and using them to achieve their opposite, repressive results. Thank you for writing about this flagrant and twisted practice. Excellent work!

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Sep 14Liked by Allison Wiltz

I'd never heard of the abundant birth project before. Thank you for putting it on our radar.

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So true, and so absolutely wrong, and for anyone who knows anything and/or cares about our neighbors, as the "Christian" religion is supposed to expect of its believers, the basis for equal care, respect, and opportunity is definitely supposed to be exercised and protected. Everyone, regardless of whatever differences we may have in race, culture, sex, sexual orientation, or whatever, deserves the same respect anyone else wants. I grew up amongst a variety of others and it never made any difference to me, we all played together and enjoyed our friendship. I served in the US Army (and later, the Iowa Air National Guard) with many different people...we worked together, had fun, saw each other through problems...I have a few stories about the racism I saw in some units in which I served, and I was known not to be one of those people by those targeted by the "system". I have never understood in my entire life what those people get from being better than everyone who isn't white, or who are not rich, or whatever other thing some people can come up with to be "better than you because..." I am a white guy with a small connection to the Lakota people, and all this racism crap has got to go...we don't live in the Dark Ages anymore, and it's time we live like it...and understand what our Founders and the good people who have made progress over time toward a "more perfect union" have hoped for us as we move along...

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If conservative judges have their way with their twisted interpretation of "equal protection," we'll wind up back in the early 1900s, where we're all equal, and have a life expectancy of about 50 years and women die routinely while giving birth. Yay, I guess.

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